Anthony Hendricks – In this episode we continue our

In this episode we continue our conversation with Anthony Hendricks, educator, non-profit leader and anti-racism champion, and Danielle Rogers Human Resources Director of Michael Hyatt & Company. Today we are transforming ourselves into practical solutions that you can apply to your business to start creating fairer and more balanced jobs. Many of us understand how little we know about creating a fairer and more balanced workplace for our employees. As a business leader, you want to create a strong, highly committed team that works well. We believe that endless lists of tasks are the source of overwhelming and frustrating things in life. Recent events have shown once again how different the opportunities and tensions between races are. The vortex of daily activity pushed “him” away while “his” top priorities faded. You can’t let your to-do list depend on your life. And these problems also exist in the workplace. But in our increasingly diverse society, it’s not always easy. You drowned in bed, but nothing seems to have been done. There is a better solution.