Expert Lessons – I fully agree that adaptation of people’s

I fully agree that adaptation of people’s approach and honesty in communication” are the most important factors. Zoe Scaman from Bodacious shared “her” “own” philosophy of communicating about change, especially for audiences who may feel uncomfortable with change or who may not want to change. The first question I ask guests since early July in the Business Fun podcast is how they managed their teams during the pandemic. Richard Hole is the director of the UK Ticket Factory, and the biggest lesson he’s learned from me is that it’s okay to say you don’t know anything. However, when you work in a virtual environment, it becomes a little more difficult to coordinate your actions with these people, especially today, when there is communication, when everything is virtual, including electronic meetings. Voices on Project Management offers ideas, advice, recommendations and personal stories from project managers from different regions and sectors. Based on my own experience, I find the need to sell changes in my team somewhat disappointing. As a project manager, changes are constant and, at best, can be devastating. To gain recognition, it is not enough to say why the change is necessary. Change is about improving the environment and the world around you. Your first wonderful remark: to put people first. This ensures alignment with the office experience and gives teams a place, even if it is virtual, where they can communicate. Personal communication is based on body language and authenticity of measurements. Communication is always important, but in these particular circumstances it becomes necessary.