Future | Leading – To connect your vision of the future

To connect your vision of the future with a concrete plan for what you need to do today to make that future a reality, you need to develop three portfolios: a future-state portfolio, an innovation portfolio, and an investment portfolio. A future-state portfolio will help you identify the growth gap, that is, what you need to offer beyond what you can currently offer to achieve your vision. Current thinking is very scientific and based on known rules, facts and data; future thinking is less scientific and based on many assumptions: its purpose is to determine what may be true. While we need to manage the present, we may be tempted to think that the future is fixed just because we manage our quarterly numbers. Focus on what you will deliver as part of your vision for the future, how you will create value, and how you will fill emerging gaps in growth, positioning, and opportunity in the process. Formalize the roles and responsibilities of the leadership team as champions of the strategy and disruptive innovation teams that will be created to execute the strategy. Preparing for the future should be an organizational capability, driven from the top down and permanently ingrained in the leadership mindset, strategic planning processes, and corporate culture. Most founders think about the future, but “most established organizations are led by people who think about the future far less than their founders. “‘ And, understandably, we have to succeed in the present.” The authors point out that today’s forward-looking innovations in most organizations are mostly incremental improvements on what they’re already doing. But if we want to survive in the future, we must also be able to master the future and make that vision a reality today. The following leadership framework reflects the mindset of leadership today and in the future. Foresight thinking expands your horizons and allows you to see opportunities beyond your core business. Lead initiatives with a “explore, imagine and discover” process so that leadership and innovation teams can work together for success. In the inventor’s DNA, Clay Christensen identified five attributes closely related to leadership of the future: associate, question, observe, experiment, and connect. Present-centered thinking allows you to achieve incremental change and often leaves you stuck in the present.