How STEMscopes Virtual – STEMscopes Math which builds its

STEMscope Virtual Math Manipulators is just one way in which I have made small changes to the way I teach math in my virtual classroom. Virtual math manipulatives are tools that help students learn and represent mathematical concepts. When I went virtual, I missed having something for students to model real-world situations, like counting coins. I also needed to find ways to engage my students, use virtual manipulatives, and make connections to the real world. In April, I had an idea: I put together a bunch of little pictures of different coins, counters, and basic ten-block blocks and called them a math manipulative library. In terms of easy-to-use virtual manipulatives, I really liked the STEMscopes interactive math clock because it can be manipulated in so many ways and adapted for educational purposes. When I see a poster with 10 bars for $12, my first thought is, “How can I use this in my math class.” A few passes are a new way to do real-world math. All of these images are now in a folder on my desktop, and when I need them, I drag and drop the manipulated material onto Google Slide or a virtual whiteboard like BitPaper. The problem is visual, there is more than one correct answer, and this is a real situation where students can do something. Discover the wonders of math in our everyday world with STEMscopes Math, our new approach to math education.