Teamwork Makes – Virtual spaces allow people to communicate

Virtual spaces allow people to communicate with other teams, but clear roles and responsibilities are needed, as in the physical workspace. Water-cooled sessions, happy hours and the like can be created to engage people on a personal level, while formal meetings remain focused on doing the job. A successful team can be defined as a group of people with clearly defined roles and complementary talents and skills, focused and committed to the common goal of innovation and results. Strong virtual teams set the ground rules for productive communication without compromising social interaction. Teams will not diminish in importance as the digital transformation changes the concept of the workplace and the way it works. How have you adapted your leadership style to better manage virtual teams? Please share your ideas with me in the comments below. At the time, I thought it would allow me to communicate with project teams around the world. Voices on Project Management presents ideas, advice, recommendations and personal stories of project managers from different regions and industries. With this change comes the need to rethink leadership, collaboration and teams. In a way, digital transformation allows people to do more, expand and develop their skills. Trust, motivation and well-being suffer greatly from telework. I had my first telework experience around 2010. But without strong leadership and clear communication, it means nothing. It is not easy to work at home and some people are not used to it. Managers must clearly define topologies, boundaries and interfaces of the team.