Time Management Ninja – Apple Watch is doing very well with

Apple Watch 5Watch is doing very well with the rings, but especially I am looking forward to “Always on” cake with Apple Watch 5. I am the author of Time Management Ninja and I am helping individuals and companies to buy time to be more productive. Today’s episode is about Apple Watch and in particular why I decided to throw away my watch. In fact, I did not use my Apple watch as advertised. Apple Watch is an amazing technology. I am talking about time management, performance tools, goals and media. I am also the author of 31 Days, 31 Ways: Daily Tips for Mastering Time Management. I love my Apple 3 watches, I’ve always been a bit of a watch collector and lately I’m coming back in this direction. I never thought I’d say this, but closing these annoying rings every day helped me to be in better shape than I have been for years. I received an email that was sent to me on time, and it was too much. It would have been nice to wear it like a watch mechanism.