Virtual Learning – To motivate students a virtual dance

To motivate students, a virtual dance party at the end of the week is a lot of fun. Let students choose Zoom Dance Party for 5-10 minutes as a free, super fun and cheerful party. It’s the power of choice, and when students can work on choosing a mascot for their class or the mascot of the week, it gives them a sense of control over a situation that is out of their control. It lists fun, child-friendly, school approved videos that your students will love, and is used as a reward for doing theirhomework discussions, etc. Uses various clip art symbols to portray a pet or mascot in the classroom and allows students to choose what they want to show next week in the classroom. Where are your students sending you today? Ask them to choose the type of background that will be displayed in the zoom lesson. This personal connection means a lot and can be a great motivation for students to finish their work and stick to their assignments. These stimuli stimulate the connection, fun and laughter that all students need, no matter where they learn. As always, the incentives that work best for your students and the situation at your school. Incentives have always been a great way to motivate students to attend classes. If you have time, let your students choose your letter to send as an incentive. Below we will list the best incentives for students learning through e-learning, so you do not have to guess what and when to use. If you’re having trouble choosing incentives to use in your virtual classroom this year, don’t look any further. Laughter is definitely the best medicine in these difficult times, so it’s no wonder that using a funny video to motivate students can have this effect. Play your favorite music, school music and encourage students to dance at home. The only difference is that the nature of the incentives should change slightly to reflect the distance learning aspect. Rather, it is a question of giving students the choice and power in a situation where otherwise they would be powerless.