Visit the Pear Fair and participate with your students

Visit the Pear Fair and participate with your students today! Important Link Disclosure: This is a sponsored episode of the podcast. The company sponsoring this episode has given me monetary compensation, a gift, or anything else of value for including a link to their product. Free financial literacy courses for high school students, social-emotional learning, and digital literacy classes – today we offer six ways to help your students learn real-world skills. For the full transcript of this episode, see Disclosing the Material Link: This is a sponsored promotional podcast episode. The company sponsoring this episode paid me a monetary compensation, gift, or other item of value for including a link to their product. Disclosure Link Material: This is a sponsored podcast episode. The company that sponsored this article paid me a monetary compensation, gift, or other thing of value for including a link to their product. With Facebook, Mark has developed a number of products including: social conflict resolution tools to help adults and youth resolve online conflicts; the Harassment Prevention Center to support educators, families, and youth; and InspirED, an open source resource center to help students create positive change in their schools. RULER integrates social and emotional learning into a school’s immune system, improving the way school administrators lead, educators teach, students learn, and parents create families. Never stop learning! Nancy Barile – Biography introduced Nancy Barile has worked as an English teacher in Massachusetts public high schools for over twenty-seven years.