Search Strategies Every – The second “wow” appeared a few

The second “wow” appeared a few minutes later, when I showed him that he can refine the search by file type to find PNG files without having to search for results manually. So I’m sure he has learned how to search by file type and permissions in the past, but he clearly benefited from the update last week. During the episode of “Two Ed Tech kids take questions and share cool stuff” last week, I was in my class to tell a little story about that day. So I said he that he can search on Google Images if he will narrow down the search for rights to use. I told the class to use Pixabay or Unsplash to find the right images. Here’s a story: one of my computer students was looking for an image for a small project that he was working on. This student is new to my class, but he is not new to the school district because he is in the first grade this year. Click here to read the full teacher’s openness and the Open Source Technology Guide. Unfortunately, for this student, there was no image available on both sides to meet his needs. Seeing how it can happen was his first “wow”!