Game Plan – But because of this argument can you find a

But because of this argument, can you find a technical necessity? Think about the swamp of the last two groups: do your students make a real rhythm? Or does it look excited? Do they stop the stick after the accent to soften the touch? If the drums also march, they will need to know where they are on the playing field. Inspire them by introducing new concepts and letting them play with the best players – your students will never want to leave their clubs! That’s how leaders get out of the set, and your student leaders hold their peers accountable. In the same spirit, good drummers keep playing the drum! As a music teacher and coach, you should get your students and bands involved. Whether you’re the only teacher in the school or a whole neighborhood leader, these elements are always relevant. Strive to inspire your students to learn, and they will take their own piece to the next level. What if, in March, music were changed and students had two months to master it instead of four? The chances of success would be reduced. As the person responsible for your music program, you can create this sequence and prepare your students for success. If students were allowed to play the same piece of music from January to April they would have a very good chance of perfecting it 10 times out of 10. This is frustrating, isn’t it? When we ask our students to play a piece as best as possible, we do them the best service by allowing them to play the same piece in the same way, many times and for a long period of time. Students should see that their actions are directly related to their learning process and that the time they invest influences the results of their season. To grow up and be passionate about this concept, students must have the power and responsibility to create a culture in which they feel they can communicate openly. If your students evaluate and inspire each other, their battery will be well lubricated with a machine. In short, your students must believe that they are in control, but in fact, you are leading them to success. There are a number of excellent online resources available free of charge that can take your students to a whole new level of self-study and self-learning. You should always think about the needs of the whole before you begin anything that might affect the well-being of your students. It can also help you set goals and improve your performance when you start teaching your students again. Playing with the metronome is of course important to all drummers, but it can be exhausting.