You may not be able to get a job in the area where you teach, but take the time to study the procedures and documents that teachers have to fill out every day. If you have the opportunity to observe other lessons and see other teachers teaching, do so! All teachers have different styles of teaching, and it is good that they can be taught in different ways. We have asked experienced teachers to share their best advice and wisdom with teachers in our Facebook group, teaching students is such a fun time! You can apply what you have learned and absorb much more than you ever thought possible. You should be able to enter visiting hours, take notes and order lunch before class ends – you will be exhausted because teaching is exhausting! Stop having fun late at night and decide to get some more hours of sleep. Wisdom for experienced student teachers It’s clear that it won’t always be perfect, and it’s great. Your comments were sincere, accurate and full of wisdom that comes only from your many years of teaching experience. You will see and experience things that in practice are very different from what you imagined. We encourage our students to think in terms of growth, but this is as good for us as it is for the teachers. It will show you the things you want to include in your own courses and give you a good idea of what you want to do differently. Words of Wisdom for Students – Teacher, whether you teach for two minutes or 20 years, something inevitably goes wrong in the classroom, and that is good. Your teacher will help you, and other teachers in the building will probably also accompany you. Art programs in schools may not bring much money, but there is a lot of drama and politics between staff and teachers. It is time to learn, so don’t be afraid to defend yourself.