The Frequency Test allows you to examine your daily actions

The Frequency Test allows you to examine your daily actions and habits to find out how you can further free up this important space for creativity and strategic thinking. Juliet Pound writes in One Minute to Think, “Without free space, we cannot sustain ourselves. It is the missing element in our lives, and we need to give it back to ourselves. In A Minute to Think, Pound reveals the basic problems that cause insanity in our lives and then offers practical applications for overcoming them. While these forces are fundamentally positive and beneficial to us, they are also the main cause that prevents us from being free. When we push them to the limit, they reduce our effectiveness. When one cannot pause long enough to think, Pound uses what “she” calls the “wedge.” The restlessness we unwittingly adopt leads to the superficial thinking, the acceptance of other people’s thinking, and the short-circuiting reactions that are so common today. Short-circuiting is the small gap between two actions. Stalling implies that we must first take strategic pauses to restore, reduce, reflect, and build. We all need empty space – free, unallocated time. The book is addressed to people who work, but young and old, whether they work or not, face the same problems that affect their quality of life. The answer to our collective malaise is to reclaim our days by taking time for reflection, process and creativity. Derivative works and other copies or unauthorized use of photos, videos, text or graphics are strictly prohibited. The use of the wedge to combat the mirage of hallucinatory urgency is also discussed here. The kind of urgency that we create ourselves and that causes us to constantly and unreasonably interrupt our colleagues, and the kind of urgency that others impose on us. Four key factors inspire organizations, teams and individuals at work: dynamism, excellence, information and engagement.