Vertical Development – In my previous article I explained

In my previous article I explained how this can lead to a better understanding of problems, innovative thinking, better emotional intelligence and a greater ability to constructively resolve conflicts in the VUCA world. The work of a project manager began its vertical development with unprecedented experience. Voices on Project Management offers ideas, advice, recommendations and personal stories of project managers from different regions and industries. Just as we go through these stages as individuals, we go through various stages as project managers. So get out of your comfort zone: find a task that will expand you, start sharing your knowledge with others in your organization, and consolidate that knowledge. This should be complemented by meeting new colleagues with different viewpoints and consolidating their experience and knowledge to start learning a new perspective. To become a strategist or alchemist, you need to study the disciplines that create projects, teams, networks and alliances through collaborative research. As individuals, we go through stages of development: early childhood, youth, adolescence and adulthood. If you start as a project leader, you are likely to work in diplomatic or expert groups. This improves your development and prepares you for the VUKA challenges that many people and organizations already have to deal with. The natural way is to become a “winner” and develop into an action-oriented and goal-oriented person. How is vertical development used? Participate in the feedback. Torbert has developed a model that describes seven leadership styles. Here, vertical development comes to the fore. So if you have read something you agree or disagree with, leave a comment.