Al Franken “ – I also thank my friend because this chapter

I also thank my friend because this chapter that ended between me and them led me to develop a stronger love for God, and that love automatically leads to a stronger love for me, for the woman and others that God puts in my life day by day. In all these feelings of love, I know I feel rejection all the time, but I thank you for this beautiful motivational piece, it could not have come at a better time for me, who lost the will to live after being cruelly rejected by the man I loved so much, and sadly my life revolved around him. Rejection is what I struggle with the most, it really helped me understand how I feel. I used to trust him and feel betrayed by his recent actions, but now I realize that he is abusing me by withholding affection and emotional support. For almost a year and a half I struggled with the end of a relationship that I knew was negative, health issues and endless job rejections. Mark I’ve said this before, but your advice about the fear of rejection and how to deal with it was a lifesaver for me. I felt rejected by the mother of my children because she has a new man in her life who lives with her and is close to my children. In the wise words of Al Franken, “I’m good enough, smart enough, and boy do I love me!!!!.” And that is VERY true. I dream of getting my life back, but every time I want it back, something happens and I go back to square one. This was a great read!!!! I have been in a toxic relationship for several years, we were once married and are trying to work things out after the divorce. It may sound melodramatic, but this relationship has almost destroyed my life, my identity, every shred of trust I ever had, my hope and belief that good things would and could happen. Where has all this wonderful advice gone all these years? I’m sure thousands, if not millions, of people feel the same way. And yet I still cling to the latter, trying to rebuild relationships and my feelings and hoping for a miracle.